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Fab Lab online venues


Fab Lab San Diego has a number of online venues and member tools that enable participants to use facilities, find out about events, and generally stay in touch.

This page provides the overall picture. Please see our separate 'Guide' pages for essential info on how to use each site.

Public-facing venues

Related groups' venus

Member-facing platforms

Tools for participants in Geeks in Residence program

[TODO: GIR program link]

  • Google calendar. While logged in to google, for example gmail, from the top right "9-squares" Google Apps menu, select Calendar. If Fab Lab has registered you as a calendar user, you should see one or another Fab Lab related calendar appear in the "Other calendars" menu.

  • Trello (task tracking)   https://trello.com When logged in, boards that you have been invited to will appear in the list of boards available to you.

Overall organization within these tools

Our member-facing platforms are subdivided in consistent ways, primarily according to the "Action Group" responsible for each area.

In addition to some channels available to all members, each action group has one or more Channels and Private Groups (private channels) for their particular purposes.
Each action group has one or more boards to track their tasks
Each action group has a publicly viewable sub-wiki (workspace in zoho terms), in which to present instructions and supporting information to the Fab Lab community, and for their activities. Action groups may have an additional private sub wiki for purposes of planning and other internal documentation.
See this wiki's home page to see this breakdown.


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