This article describes how pages related to one another in the Zoho wiki system. Understanding this scheme before creating pages will allow you to locate those pages where you want them in the page hierarchy.
Pages can be moved later, but only conveniently by those with Admin permissions (not just editing permissions). So try to get pages in the right spot when you create them!
(We are hoping that Zoho implements a change to allow users with edit permissions to relocate pages using the Site Map feature, which is currently restricted to Admin users.)
The Zoho wiki system creates pages in a hierarchical (tree) relationship to one another. A page may have child pages. Conversely, all pages have parent pages, unless they are at the top of the page hierarchy (as a Home page might be).
The parent-child hierarchy is evident in several navigation features:
- The left-panel navigation widget. This control presents the current page, its parent page, its sibling pages, and its child pages. It gives you some opportunity to click on the [+] and [-] icons to explore the tree. And of course you can click on any of the displayed pages to navigate to them.
- The "breadcrumbs" shown at the top of the page. This shows the parent-child path to the current page. You can click on ancestor links to navigate to them.
- The "subpage list" widget. This widget may be placed on a page, and displays links to just the immediate children of the current page.
- The Site Map: The site map is available from the Wiki menu > Site map, or Workspace menu > Site map. An example is shown below. This gives the most complete overview of the wiki or workspace, at least the parts that you have permissions to view.
Also a sibling order: Not only does the wiki system impose a parent-child relationship between pages, it also retains an order of sibling pages relative to each other. Often we create pages which are most usefully read in a particular sequence, as in the chapters of a book. So we care about page-to-page order as seen in the various widgets and controls just discussed.
How to proceed
When creating pages, your path will be smoothest if you:
- Carefully choose the parent page below which to create your child pages (using the Page options > Add sub page function).
- Create the child pages in the order you'd like them to appear, as siblings, in the navigation
- Choose a good title for the page when you create it.
All of these factors can be changed later, but getting them right to begin with saves some steps.
Moving and Renaming pages
Users who have permission to edit pages can perform the following steps:
- Rename a Page: Navigate to the page. Page options menu > Rename page
- Change the page's URL: (Sometimes useful if the nature of a page changes a lot.) Page options menu > Modify URL
- Move the page within the navigation hierarchy: There are two methods:
- Visit the Site Map. This method is available to Admin users, but not to those with just edit permissions. This method allows you to move the page under a new parent, or change its order relative to its sibling pages
- The Site Map is editable by drag-and-drop. Just drag pages to a new location
- As you drag, pay very close attention to the tiny triangle insertion pointer. The distinction between "make the dragged page a child of this page" versus "make the dragged page the next sibling" is subtle.
- Use the Page options menu. This method is available to users with edit permissions.
- Save As function. This allows you to make a copy of the page and while doing so specify a parent for the new page.
- When you're confident the copy page is in place, you can delete the original one that's in the wrong place.